2019 – Anastasia Mandelou (1673): Υλικά για την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας στα κτίρια: μαγνητοθερμιδικά (magnetocalorics) – Διπλωματική 2019 – Δημητρα Νακου (1668): Υλικά για την εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας στα κτίρια: ηλεκτροχρωμικά (electrochromics)
Evangelos joined the De Gruyter Open as Associate Editor in Open Physics
Sofoklis joined the Nature Publishing Group as an editor in Scientific Reports & Materials Science of Engineering B of Elsevier
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a collaborative project in Hydrogen storage nanomaterials and CO2 capture in zeolitic and metal matrix membranes, October 2013
21/11/2011 Οur proposal (Greece-Romanian collaboration) “Development of Integrated Advanced Materials and Processes for Efficient Hydrogen Storage” was accepted! The communication for the chosen projects was just published in the site http://www.gsrt.gr/central.aspx?sId=119I428I1089I646I488772&JScript=1, Description of the proposal – pdf
20/11/2011 New position in Central European Journal of Chemistry. Sofoklis Makridis is an Editor in Solid State Chemistry – materials for hydrogen technologies. Submit your article NOW AT: http://www.editorialmanager.com/cejc/
7/11/2011 New research program: Efficient Conversion of Coal to Electricity – Direct Coal Fuel Cells (in the production and characterization of Perovskites/electrolytes for fuel cells)
26/10/2011 – Students of our group have been participated @ NANOSMAT 2011, 6th NANOSMAT Conference (International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials), 17-20 October, 2011. Congratulations!!! The Conference Committee decided that they will publish their work in JNN (IF-1.5) and JMMM (IF-1.7)!!!
30/07/2011 – New publication in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy